Do you need a Trainer, Coach or a Mentor to learn Digital Marketing?

Learning Digital Marketing and becoming an expert in the field demands a proper foundation with exceptional practical knowledge and good exposure to multiple tools and platforms. Unlike any other field, learning digital marketing also requires a decent period of dedication and hard work. Honestly, it is not as easy as people say while selling their programs and course materials!

So the question is, if you want to learn digital marketing with a strong foundation who must you look for – a Trainer, Coach or a Mentor?

Though all the 3 terms may sound almost similar to you, but there’s a difference in terms of role they play, the skill they posses, and the kind of outcomes expected from them is also different. Keep reading this article to understand their respective roles.

How a Trainer will Help You?

A digital marketing trainer is your best choice if your want to learn a particular topic from them basics and then advance your skills based on your interest

How a Coach will Help You?

The role of a digital marketing coach is to analyze and guide you on any particular topic that you already know conceptually but still facing some difficulty

How a Mentor will Help You?

A digital marketing mentor will not only help you understand the concepts like a trainer but also stick with you until you are comfortable with the process

Roles in Corporate

Digital Marketing Trainer

A trainer are usually internal employees of the company whose sole purpose is to train the other team members on a particular skill as per any requirement 

Digital Marketing Coach

A coach is hired to find and fix any particular issue in the organization. They also connect with the employees to lift up their spirits and maximize their potential

Digital Marketing Mentor

A mentor can be an external or an internal person who connects with the employees at a deeper level. A good mentor values more about the mentee’s personal goals than the company’s goals

Mode of Conduct

Digital Marketing Trainer

Trainers can perform 1-on1 or in groups

Digital Marketing Coach

Most of the times they work in groups

Digital Marketing Mentor

Mentors will always perform 1-on-1

Deciding what you are looking for depends highly on your requirement. Many individual tend to work differently based on their methods. Hence it is very important that you understand the person’s portfolio before booking any kind of sessions with them. 

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